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Powershell: Connection problem due to TLS

I'm using a module for PS called Qlik-Cli,

This is the code to connect and start a task,

>     [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "Tls12"
>     $logpath = "E:\Tools\Scripts\log.txt"
>     Import-Module -Name Qlik-Cli
>     $cert =  gci cert:localmachine\my | where { $_.Thumbprint -eq '1fcad2353817a88b785b11fd543d8c3507fc8bf3'}
>     Connect-Qlik -Computername server1 -Certificate $cert -Username ad\qsadmin
>     Start-QlikTask -id df9dfa2f-32ca-4db4-bdce-15ad923fd59g

But I'm having isssues, Invoke-RestMethod : The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

QlikSense uses 1.2, therefore I added [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "Tls12". I tried with other versions.

I been googeling like crazy and can't find much more. For nPrint, [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "Tls12" solved it with the CLI-module.

Could this be realted to the certificate in this case?


  • This problem has been solved. The module uses a Certificate QLikSense creates called Qlik Client.

    You have to use this with module and not the normal certificate you use with Qlik Sense.