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Is necessary show a prominent disclosure by popup about location (not background) permissions?

One month ago Google Play Console rejected my latest update and said that it is not compliant with the location in the background policies. More precisely, the google email reports " If your app is not eligible to access location in the background or does not meet requirements for accessing location in the background, please remove the permission from your manifest and in-app functionality."

I used the background location permission for scanning BLE in ionic app ( ).

I removed the background location permission (ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION) from cordova plugin because, after some test, is effectively not really necessary. However, are necessary other location permission (ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) so I would like to know if is equally necessary to display a prominent disclosure through a pop-up alert before my app’s location runtime permission.

I tried to send an issue ticket to google developer support on April 14th, but I have not received a reply.


  • If you target Android API version 28 or lower, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION implicitly implies background location permission and you must hence follow all the rules for that.

    If you target Android API version 29 or higher and do not have ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION in your manifest, you will automatically comply to Google Play's background policies (since you are then not affected by them).