I wrote a full working example for both nfft, and scipy.fft. In both cases I start with a simple 1D sinusoidal signal with a little noise, take the fourier transform, and then go backwards and reconstruct the original signal.
Here is my code as clean and readable as I could manage:
import numpy
import nfft
import scipy
import scipy.fft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if True: #<--- Ensure non-global namespace
#Define signal:
x = -0.5 + numpy.random.rand(1000)
#x = numpy.linspace(-.5, .5, 1000) #--> in case we want to run uniform time domain
f = numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x) + .1*numpy.random.randn( 1000 ) #Add some 'y' randomness to the sample
#prepare wavenumbers for transform:
N = len(x)
k = - N // 2 + numpy.arange(N)
#print ('k', k) #---> Uniform Steps [-500, -499, ...0..., 499,500]
f_k = nfft.nfft_adjoint(x, f, len(k), truncated=False )
#plot transform
plt.plot(k, f_k.real, label='real')
plt.plot(k, f_k.imag, label='imag')
#Reconstruct the original signal with nfft
f_recon = nfft.nfft( x, f_k ) / 2000
#Plot original vs reconstructed
plt.scatter(x, f, label='f(x)')
plt.scatter(x, f_recon, label='f_recon(x)', marker='+')
if True: #<--- Ensure non-global namespace
#Define signal:
x = numpy.linspace(-.5, .5, 1000)
f = numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x) + .1*numpy.random.randn( 1000 ) #Add some 'y' randomness to the sample
#prepare wavenumbers for transform:
N = len(x)
TimeSpacing = x[1] - x[0]
k = scipy.fft.fftfreq(N, TimeSpacing)
#print ('k', k) #---> Confusing steps: [0,1,...500,-500,-499,...-1]
f_k = scipy.fft.fft(f)
#plot transform
plt.plot(k, f_k.real, label='real')
plt.plot(k, f_k.imag, label='imag')
#Reconstruct the original signal with scipy.fft
f_recon = scipy.fft.ifft(f_k)
#Plot original vs reconstructed
plt.scatter(x, f, label='f(x)')
plt.scatter(x, f_recon, label='f_recon(x)', marker='+')
Here are the relevant generated plots:
The nfft reconstruction seems to fail at normalizing. I arbitrarily divided the magnitudes by 2000 just to get them to plot well. What is the correct normalization constant?
The nfft also seems to not reproduce the original points. Even if I got hte normalization constant correct, there is no way I would get the original points back here.
What did I do wrong, and how do I fix it?
The above mentioned package does not implement a inverse nfft
The ndft
is f_hat @ np.exp(-2j * np.pi * x * k[:, None])
The ndft_adjoint
is f @ np.exp(2j * np.pi * k * x[:, None])
Let k = -N//2 + np.arange(N)
, and A = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * k * k[:, None])
A @ np.conj(A) = N * np.eye(N)
(checked numerically)
Thus, for random x
the adjoint transformation is equals to the inverse transform. The given reference paper provides a few options, I implemented Algorithm 1 CGNE, from page 9
import numpy as np # I have the habit to use np
def nfft_inverse(x, y, N, w = 1, L=100):
f = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128);
r = y - nfft.nfft(x, f);
p = nfft.nfft_adjoint(x, r, N);
r_norm = np.sum(abs(r)**2 * w)
for l in range(L):
p_norm = np.sum(abs(p)**2 * w);
alpha = r_norm / p_norm
f += alpha * w * p;
r = y - nfft.nfft(x, f)
r_norm_2 = np.sum(abs(r)**2 * w)
beta = r_norm_2 / r_norm
p = beta * p + nfft.nfft_adjoint(x, w * r, N)
r_norm = r_norm_2;
#print(l, r_norm)
return f;
The algorithm converges slowly and poorly
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))
plt.title('inverse nfft error histogram')
#plt.scatter(x, f_hat, label='f(x)')
h_hat = nfft_inverse(x, f, N, L = 1)
plt.hist(f_hat - numpy.real(h_hat), bins=30, label='1 iteration')
h_hat = nfft_inverse(x, f, N, L = 10)
plt.hist(f_hat - numpy.real(h_hat), bins=30, label='10 iterations')
h_hat = nfft_inverse(x, f, N, L = 1000)
plt.hist(f_hat - numpy.real(h_hat), bins=30, label='1000 iterations')
I tried also to use scipy minimization, to minimize the residual ||nfft(x, f) - y||**2
import numpy as np # the habit
import scipy.optimize
def nfft_gradient_descent(x, y, N, L=10, tol=1e-8, method='CG'):
compute $min || A @ f - y ||**2 via gradient descent
the gradient is
`A^H @ (A @ f - y)`
Multiply by A using nfft.nfft
def cost(fpack):
f = fpack[0::2] + 1j * fpack[1::2]
u = np.sum(np.abs(nfft.nfft(x, f) - y)**2)
return u
def grad(fpack):
f = fpack[0::2] + 1j * fpack[1::2]
r = nfft.nfft(x, f) - y
u = nfft.nfft_adjoint(x, r, N)
return np.stack([np.real(u), np.imag(u)], axis=1).reshape(-1)
x0 = np.zeros([N, 2])
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(cost, x0=x0, jac=grad, tol=tol, method=method, options={'maxiter': L, 'disp': True})
return result.x[0::2] + 1j * result.x[1::2];
The results look similar, you can try by different methods or parameters by your self if you want. But I believe the transformation is ill conditioned because transformed residual is considerably reduced but the residual on the reconstructed values is large.
Is it basically true that you found that the there is not a true inverse to the algorithm then? I cannot obtain my original points? x != nfft(nfft_adjoint(x))
Please check the section 2.3 of the reference paper
Cris Luengo answer metioned another possibility, that is, instead of reconstructing f
at the points x
, you may reconstruct a resampled version at equidistant points using the ifft
. So you already have three options, and I will do a quick comparison. Bear in mind that the plot shown there is based on a NFFT computed in 16k samples, while here I am using 1k samples.
Since the FFT method uses different points we cannot compare to the original signal, what I will do is to compare with the harmonic function without the noise. The variance of the noise is 0.01
, so an exact reconstruction would lead to this mean squared error.
N = 1024
x = -0.5 + numpy.random.rand(N)
f_hat = numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x) + .1*numpy.random.randn( N ) #Add some 'y' randomness to the sample
k = - N // 2 + numpy.arange(N)
f = nfft.nfft(x, f_hat)
h_hat = nfft_inverse(x, f, len(x), L = 10)
print('10 iterations: ', np.mean((numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x) - numpy.real(h_hat))**2))
h_hat = nfft_inverse(x, f, len(x), L = 100)
print('100 iterations: ', np.mean((numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x) - numpy.real(h_hat))**2))
h_hat = nfft_inverse(x, f, len(x), L = 1000)
print('1000 iterations: ', np.mean((numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x) - numpy.real(h_hat))**2))
h_hat = nfft_gradient_descent(x, f, len(x), L = 10)
print('10 iterations: ', np.mean((numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x) - numpy.real(h_hat))**2))
h_hat = nfft_gradient_descent(x, f, len(x), L = 100)
print('100 iterations: ', np.mean((numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x) - numpy.real(h_hat))**2))
h_hat = nfft_gradient_descent(x, f, len(x), L = 1000)
print('1000 iterations: ', np.mean((numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x) - numpy.real(h_hat))**2))
#Reconstruct the original at a spaced grid based on nfft result using ifft
f_recon = - numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.ifft(numpy.fft.ifftshift(f_k))) / (N / N2)
x_recon = k / N;
print('using IFFT: ', np.mean((numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x_recon) - numpy.real(f_recon))**2))
10 iterations: 0.0798988590351581
100 iterations: 0.05136853850272318
1000 iterations: 0.037316315280700896
10 iterations: 0.08832834348902704
100 iterations: 0.05901599049633016
1000 iterations: 0.043921864589484
using IFFT: 0.49044932854606377
Another way to view is
plt.plot(numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x_recon), numpy.real(f_recon), '.', label='ifft')
plt.plot(numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x), numpy.real(nfft_gradient_descent(x, f, len(x), L = 5)), '.', label='gradient descent L=5')
plt.plot(numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x), numpy.real(nfft_inverse(x, f, len(x), L = 5)), '.', label='nfft_inverse L=5')
plt.plot(numpy.sin(10 * 2 * numpy.pi * x), np.real(f_hat), '.', label='original')
Even though the IFFT matrix is better conditioned, it gives results in a worse reconstruction of the signal. Also from the last plot it becomes more noticeable that there is a slight attenuation. Probably due to a systematic energy leak to the imaginary part (an error in my code??). Just a quick test, multiplying it by 1.3
gives better results