I'm new here can somebody help me please. I'm working on a components comparator webapp, the first page works normally but when I click on 'compare' ( that would launch the function and show the page) i just see the 'body' and not what the function would do. The server does not show an error message. When I try to launch manually the function in VsCode i got this error :
aprixProc1 = connexion.execute('SELECT prixProc FROM Processeur WHERE nomProc=(?);',(processeur1,)).fetchone()[0]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
Here is my code:
import sqlite3
import cgi
formulaire = cgi.FieldStorage()
processeur1 = formulaire.getvalue('proc1')
processeur2 = formulaire.getvalue('proc2')
connexion = sqlite3.connect("composants.db")
connexion.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
#Recupere le prix de proc1 et proc2
aprixProc1 = connexion.execute('SELECT prixProc FROM Processeur WHERE nomProc=(?);'(processeur1,)).fetchone()[0]
aprixProc2 = connexion.execute("SELECT prixProc FROM Processeur WHERE nomProc=(?);" (processeur2,)).fetchone()[0]
#Recupere le nb de coeurs de proc1 et proc2
anbCoeurs1 = connexion.execute("SELECT coeursProc FROM Processeur WHERE nomProc=(?)", (processeur1,)).fetchone()[0]
anbCoeurs2 = connexion.execute("SELECT coeursProc FROM Processeur WHERE nomProc=(?)",(processeur2,)).fetchone()[0]
#Recupere le nb de threads de proc1 et proc2
athreadsProc1 = connexion.execute("SELECT threadsProc FROM Processeur WHERE nomProc=(?)",(processeur1,)).fetchone()[0]
athreadsProc2 = connexion.execute("SELECT threadsProc FROM Processeur WHERE nomProc=(?)",(processeur2,)).fetchone()[0]
#Recupere la taille de gravure de proc1 et proc2
agravProc1 = connexion.execute("SELECT gravProc FROM Processeur WHERE nomProc=(?)",(processeur1,)).fetchone()[0]
agravProc2 = connexion.execute("SELECT gravProc FROM Processeur WHERE nomProc=(?)",(processeur2,)).fetchone()[0]
pagedebut = '''
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com">
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Montserrat:wght@600&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<title> Components Stock Tracker </title>
<link rel='stylesheet' href="css/fichier_css_html.css"/>
<div class="entete">
<p class='phead'>Components Stock Tracker</p>
<img src ="images/logo_cst.jpg">
<div class="main">
<div class="footer">
<p class="texteFooter">
Pied de Page <br> Crédits: Baptiste Lecerf </br>
def compareProc(prixProc1, prixProc2, nbCoeurs1, nbCoeurs2, threadsProc1, threadsProc2, gravProc1, gravProc2):
reponse = ''
if prixProc1 < prixProc2:
reponse += str(prixProc1)
reponse+= str(prixProc2)
if nbCoeurs1 < nbCoeurs2:
reponse+= str(nbCoeurs2)
reponse+= str(nbCoeurs1)
if threadsProc1 < threadsProc2:
reponse+= str(threadsProc2)
reponse+= str(threadsProc1)
if gravProc1 < gravProc2:
reponse+= str(gravProc1)
reponse+= str(gravProc2)
print(compareProc(aprixProc1, aprixProc2, anbCoeurs1, anbCoeurs2, athreadsProc1, athreadsProc2, agravProc1, agravProc2))
I tried this code and some other things but I always get ' [(0,)] '
(with parenthesis around ? or without it's the same)
import sqlite3
import cgi
formulaire = cgi.FieldStorage()
#processeur1 = formulaire.getvalue('proc1')
processeur1 = "R5-3600"
#processeur2 = formulaire.getvalue('proc2')
processeur2 = "I9-10900K"
conn = sqlite3.connect("composants.db")
cursor = conn.cursor()
conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
sql = "select exists(SELECT prixProc, coeursProc, threadsProc, gravProc FROM Processeur WHERE nomProc= (?) OR nomProc= (?))"
args = (processeur1, processeur2)
cursor = conn.execute(sql, args)
results = cursor.fetchall()
pagedebut ='''
pagefin ='''