I am trying to use a custom cursor icon under certain conditions in my React application.
Assuming that the following works as expected:
this.element.style.cursor = 'crosshair'
How can I use an .svg image instead of one of the native cursor values?
Syntax that hasn't worked:
this.element.style.cursor = '../relative/path/icon.svg'
this.element.style.cursor = ['../relative/path/icon.svg']
this.element.style.addProperty('cursor', '../relative/path/icon.svg', 'auto')
Its probably either a simple path or syntax issue, but any insight is greatly appreciated.
The syntax of the string needs to be in url()
this.element.style.cursor = 'url(../relative/path/icon.svg), pointer';
In React you might need a template literal to evaluate the path:
this.element.style.cursor = `url(${myURLVarialble}), pointer`;
You can also define the custom cursor in a CSS class and apply the class to the element.