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Why is the Enabled property of a custom CompositeControl still setting disabled="disabled" when the property is overridden?

I have created a custom server control that inherits from CompositeControl. In the CreateChildControls method, I add an input and a label control (there are others, too) to the control tree. I have overridden the Enabled property so that I only get/set the input's Enabled property, not the composite control's Enabled property. In the user control where I use this server control, I add Enabled="false" to the markup. However, no matter what I do, the container div gets a disabled="disabled" attribute added to it (and so do some of the children).

Of course, this seems to work just fine in all browsers except IE 6. If there's a fieldset legend or a radio button list inside the disabled control, the text disappears. I was originally trying to see if there was some defect to fix via CSS for IE 6. Then, I noticed the disabled="disabled" on tags I didn't even think were valid to have that attribute.

What exactly am I doing wrong here?

Sample control that exhibits behavior:

public class TextBoxWithLabel : CompositeControl
    private readonly Label _label = new Label();
    private readonly TextBox _textBox = new TextBox();

    protected override HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey
        get { return HtmlTextWriterTag.Div; }

    public string LabelText
        get { return _label.Text; }
        set { _label.Text = value; }

    public override bool Enabled
        get { return _textBox.Enabled; }
        set { _textBox.Enabled = value; }

    protected override void CreateChildControls()
        _label.ID = ID + "_label";
        _textBox.ID = ID + "_field";
        _label.AssociatedControlID = _label.ID;



<test:TextBoxWithLabel id="tester" runat="server" LabelText="My TextBox" Enabled="false" />


  • I have solved this by creating a "new" Enabled property instead of overriding.

    public new bool Enabled
        get { return _textBox.Enabled; }
        set { _textBox.Enabled = value; }

    I won't accept this answer unless I get up-votes from others verifying my finding for the need to do this.