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Retaining rows that have percent overlapping ranges in Pandas

I have a dataframe with the columns:

[id, range_start, range_stop, score] 

If two rows have a range overlap by x percentage I retain the row with the higher score. However, I am confused how to pull out rows with no overlap to other ranges. I am using a nested loop and recursion to condense overlapping ranges into a new dataframe. However, this structure causes all rows to be retained when I am looking for the non overlapping rows.

## This is my function to recursively select the highest scoring overlapping regions

def overlap_retention(df_overlap, threshold, df_nonoverlap=None):
     if df_nonoverlap != None:
          df_nonoverlap = pd.DataFrame()
     df_overlap = pd.DataFrame() 
     for index, row in x.iterrows():
          rs = row['range_start']
          re = row['range_end']

          ## Silly nested loop to compare ranges between all rows 
          for index2, row2 in x.drop(index).iterrows():   
               rs2 = row2['range_start']
               re2 = row2['range_end']
               regionUnion = set(readRegion).intersection(set(refRegion))
               overlap_length = len(regionUnion)
               overlap_min = min(rs, rs2)
               overlap_max = max(re, re2)
               overlap_full_range = overlap_max-overlap_min

               overlap_percentage = (overlap_length/overlap_full_range)*100

               ## Check if they overlap by x_percentage and retain the higher score
               if overlap_percentage>x_percentage:
                    evalue = row['score']
                    evalue_2 = row2['score']
                    if evalue_2 > evalue:
                          df_overlap = df_overlap.append(row2)
                         df_overlap = df_overlap.append(row)
                ## How to find non-overlapping rows without pulling everything?
                    df_nonoverlap = df_nonoverlap.append(row)
# ---------------------------------------------

          ### Recursion here to condense overlapped list further
          if len(df_overlap)>1:
              overlap_retention(df_overlap, threshold, df_nonoverlap)

An example input is below:

data = {'id':['id1', 'id2', 'id3', 'id4', 'id5', 'id6'],
       'range_start':[1,12,11,1,20, 10],
input = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['id', 'range_start', 'range_end', 'score'])

The desired output can change based on the overlap threshold. In the example above id1 and id4 may both be retained or simply id1 depending on the overlap threshold:

data = {'id':['id1', 'id3', 'id5'],
output = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['id', 'range_start', 'range_end', 'score'])


  • You can make a cartesian join between all the ranges, then find length and % of the overlap for each pair, and filter it based on the x_overlap threshold.

    After that, for each range we can find the overlapping range with the highest score (which could be the range itself, with the overlap of 100%):

    # set min overlap parameter
    x_overlap = 0.5
    # cartesian join all ranges
    z = df.assign(k=1).merge(
        df.assign(k=1), on='k', suffixes=['_1', '_2'])
    # find lengths of overlaps
    z['len_overlap'] = (
        z[['range_end_1', 'range_end_2']].min(axis=1) -
        z[['range_start_1', 'range_start_2']].max(axis=1)).clip(0)
    # we're only interested in cases where ranges overlap, so the total
    # range is the range between min(start1, start2) and max(end1, end2)
    z['len_total'] = (
        z[['range_end_1', 'range_end_2']].max(axis=1) -
        z[['range_start_1', 'range_start_2']].min(axis=1)).clip(0)
    # find % overlap and filter out pairs above threshold
    # these include 'pairs' where a range is paired to itself
    z['pct_overlap'] = z['len_overlap'] / z['len_total']
    z = z[z['pct_overlap'] > x_overlap]
    # for each range find an overlapping range with the highest score
    # (could be the range itself)
    z = z.sort_values('score_2').groupby('id_1')['id_2'].last()
    # filter the inputs
    df_out = df[df['id'].isin(z)]


        id  range_start  range_end  score
    0  id1            1          4      3
    2  id3           11         15      8
    4  id5           20         23      5

    P.S. Please note that it is not very clear what should happen with id4 in your example. Since you don't have it in your output, I assumed (hopefully correctly) that you're not interested in zero-length ranges in the output

    P.P.S. There is a new syntax for cartesian join in pandas 1.2.0+ with how=cross parameter in the merge method. I've used in my answer a version with a dummy variable k=1, which is more verbose, but compatible with older versions