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shared_ptr not defined when including from managed code

I'm trying to write a managed wrapper (C++/CLI) around an unmanaged C++ static library and am having two problems:

  1. The unmanaged library uses std::shared_ptr in its headers. <memory> is included, and the header compiles as part of an unmanaged project. When I include this header in the managed project, however, I receive this error:

    error C2039: 'shared_ptr' : is not a member of 'std'

  2. How do I access the Values collection of a SortedDictionary<K, V> from C++/CLI? I cannot seem to find any examples of the proper syntax, and the C#-style syntax does not compile.

Code for #1:

// 1>Dummy.h(10): error C2039: 'shared_ptr' : is not a member of 'std'
#pragma once

#pragma managed(push, off)

#include <memory>

class Foo {};
typedef std::shared_ptr<Foo> FooPtr;

#pragma managed(pop)

using namespace System;

namespace Dummy {

    public ref class Class1


  • I have found the answer here: Edit $(IncludePath) "macro" in Visual Studio 2010

    Visual Studio 2010 is including the headers from Visual Studio 2008, which do not have shared_ptr.

    The exact resolution is described here. The Platform Toolset on the General tab defaulted to vs90. Changing this to vs100 resolved the issue.