I have a Dataframe with 3 column entries in R. Number, Color, Quantity. I want to check my dataframe for rows that match their number and color, (Quantities may differ!). These rows need to be combined to one row with summed up quantities. An example table is:
Number | Color | Quantity |
3475b | Black | 2 |
4349 | White | 4 |
970c00 | Yellow | 1 |
3475b | Black | 7 |
3641 | Red | 8 |
4349 | Red | 3 |
To sum it up: row 1 and 4 should be added up to a total quantity of 9. Row 2 and 6 have the same number but different color, so they stay apart. In this case the resulting table should have only 5 rows like:
Number | Color | Quantity |
3475b | Black | 9 |
4349 | White | 4 |
970c00 | Yellow | 1 |
3641 | Red | 8 |
4349 | Red | 3 |
In base R
, we can use aggregate
aggregate(Quantity ~ ., df1, sum)
# Number Color Quantity
#1 3475b Black 9
#2 3641 Red 8
#3 4349 Red 3
#4 4349 White 4
#5 970c00 Yellow 1
df1 <- structure(list(Number = c("3475b", "4349", "970c00", "3475b",
"3641", "4349"), Color = c("Black", "White", "Yellow", "Black",
"Red", "Red"), Quantity = c(2L, 4L, 1L, 7L, 8L, 3L)), class = "data.frame",
row.names = c(NA,