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Process isn't terminating macOS Application / Killing Running Process

I am getting all the running process using getRunningPrcoess() function. But when I tried to terminate some specific process then the termination function is not working, it doesn't kill the process. Please tell me What's wrong with my code. I am using killProcess(_ processId: Int) function and passing the process ID in the parameter to terminate the process. Is there any other way to kill the running process from your application?

//MARK:- Variables
var arrApplication: [NSRunningApplication]!

//MARK:- Load
override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do view setup here.
    tblRunningProcess.delegate = self
    tblRunningProcess.dataSource = self

//MARK:- Actions
@IBAction func btnEndTaskAction(_ sender: NSButton) {

//MARK:- Functions
func getRunningPrcoess() {
    // Get all running applications
    let workspace = NSWorkspace.shared
    arrApplication = workspace.runningApplications

func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int {
    return arrApplication == nil ? 0 : arrApplication.count
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? {
    guard let cell = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: "RunningProcessTCell"), owner: self) as? RunningProcessTCell else { return nil }
    cell.lblProcessName.stringValue = "Name: \(arrApplication[row].localizedName ?? "N/A")"
    cell.lblProcessId.stringValue = "ID: \(arrApplication[row].bundleIdentifier ?? "N/A")"
    cell.imgIcon.image = arrApplication[row].icon
    cell.btnEndTask.tag = row
    return cell


  • I think you are initializing a new process instead of killing the existing one. .init() creates a new process with same identifier and then it's killed. So you need to change your approach here.

    Update: Right solution is to turn off sandbox mode in the Capabilities section of the Project Settings.