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Kill process after timeout when homonym processes are open - batch

I am running many exe through multiple batches. Sometimes it happens that some exes got stuck so I chose to kill them after a timeout, like this:

CD mypath
start myexe.exe
timeout 60
TSKILL myexe

However, since all the exe have the same name, the batch does not close the exe it started but all of them. I also tried this:

cd mypath
for /f "tokens=2 delims==; " %%a in ('start myexe^| find "ProcessId" ') do set MyPID=%%a
timeout 60
taskkill /PID %MyPID% /T 

but the timeout starts just once the exe had finished.

How can I kill the process that the specific batch opened after a timeout?


  • You already got a link to a pure powershell solution in the comment to your quesiton, but if you want to retain the main batch-file format, you can incorporate some powershell into the batch file.

    @echo off
    pushd "mypath"
    for /f %%i in ('powershell "(Start-Process myexe -passthru).ID"') do (
        timeout /t 60
        taskkill /PID %%i

    Note I replaced you cd command with pushd where later we have to popd to return to the directory before we used pushd. I is easier to push to and from directories without having to define the cd command each time. It is also not concerned about changing drives where cd requires the /d switch.