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react-google-recaptcha "ref" type error in React typescript

I'm trying to implement invisible reCaptcha from react-google-recaptcha in type script project

I added the package's type by

yarn add @types/react-google-recaptcha

but when I want to implement the component, I get a type script error in here

        ref={recaptchaRef} // IN HERE
        sitekey="Your client site key"

and this is the error's content

 Type 'MutableRefObject<undefined>' is not assignable to type 'LegacyRef<ReCAPTCHA> | undefined'.''
 Type 'MutableRefObject<undefined>' is not assignable to type 'RefObject<ReCAPTCHA>'.
 Types of property 'current' are incompatible.


  • Just give it an initial value of null. It takes undefined as initial value in your current implementation.

    const recaptchaRef = useRef(null)
    // or
    const recaptchaRef = useRef<ReCAPTCHA>(null);
    // ....
      sitekey="Your client site key"


    By looking at types, ref attribute expects a type as below:

    (JSX attribute) React.ClassAttributes<ReCAPTCHA>.ref?: string | ((instance: ReCAPTCHA | null) => void) | React.RefObject<ReCAPTCHA> | null | undefined


    string | ((instance: ReCAPTCHA | null) => void) | React.RefObject<ReCAPTCHA> | null | undefined

    where RefObject is:

    interface RefObject<T> {
      readonly current: T | null;

    So, the value of current should be of some type or null.