quite new to working with both api's and javascript. I'm trying to console.log out the amount of times a friend of mine has died in rust, but all items are named "name:" An img of what I mean:
I'm using axios to call the api, here's the code:
var statsApi = 'http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetUserStatsForGame/v0002/?';
var statsAppId = 'appid='+252490+'&'
var statsSteamApiKey = 'key='+process.env.STEAM_API+'&';
var statsUserArg = 'steamid='+userID;
var steamStatsApi = statsApi + statsAppId + statsSteamApiKey + statsUserArg;
.then((res) =>{
// console.log(res['data']['playerstats']['stats']['name' == 'deaths']);
for(re in res['data']['playerstats']['stats']) {
if(re['name'] === 'deaths') {
else {
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Error:', err);
Again if anyone knows how to get the amount of 'deaths' I'd be super grateful.
Turns out it was quite easy, if anyone has this problem just use the following code which I am about to provide:
var index = -1;
for(var i = 0; i < Object.keys(res['data']['playerstats']['stats']).length; i++) {
if(res['data']['playerstats']['stats'][i]['name'] === 'deaths') {
index = i;
var userDeaths = res['data']['playerstats']['stats'][index]['value'];
What this does is that it loops trough every object named "name:" until it finds 'deaths' in one of them. I change i to that and now i'm able to print out the value which i'm looking for.