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Open Source Projects to practice TDD/BDD in C#

Can someone name some sample open source projects (C#) that would help me to put TDD,DDD concepts in to practice. (Beginner to Intermediate level) I have a good understanding of the concepts, but never used them in a proper project.

I prefer if it was a C# server side development project ( class libraries, web servies, WCF etc) rather than a UI project; so that I could focus my attention into TDD,DDD side of it only.

Thank you.


  • I think that NerdDinner and CodeCampServer have both extensive unit tests, and are developed in TDD fashion, but it was really a long time from my last check on these projects...

    TDD is generally really easy using right patterns for right things, when you follow SOLID principles and DI / IoC concepts to make your classes testable (and most important, sort of MVC for the presentation where usually most of your tests lie).