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Special Characters in Vertical Text

I have a flash-application (done with CS4) in which a particular Textbox, which is vertical fails to display characters with a hacek (ˇ) on top. If such a character appears with in a string that is to be shown, it is simply dropped, leaving the string crippled.

This baffles me since characters with hacek work on other (horizontal) textfields in the same .swf with the same Font (Arial) work just fine. I also tried manually telling flash to embed these characters for this textfield, but to no avail. Even entering characters with hacek in the flash IDE works without problems.

I am not very familiar with flash, this application has been developed by a co-worker who is no longer employed here.

Is this a known problem? And more important: is there a fix?


  • I have experienced similar problems with characters like ÅÄÖ when a filter, for example a drow shadow, was applied to the text. You can also try setting the anti-aliasing to "for animation" in the IDE, or to "normal", flash.text.AntiAliasType.NORMAL, in code (using "for animation"/"normal" can solve all kinds of strange problems with text in Flash).