I need to test the case where g_ascii_strtoll fails and sets both pointers to the same value, set errno to 0 and return 0 (According to the doc : "If the string conversion fails, zero is returned, and endptr returns nptr (if endptr is non-NULL)") (even if output_str = NULL in my case)
My code to test:
gchar* output_ptr= NULL;
gchar* input_ptr= "f";
result = g_ascii_strtoll(input_ptr, &output_ptr, 10);
My Google test snippet:
const gchar* nptr;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_gstring, g_ascii_strtoll(_,_,_)).WillOnce( DoAll(SaveArg<0>(&nptr), SetArgReferee<1>((char)*nptr), SetErrnoAndReturn(0,0)) );
Basically, I just want to do *output_ptr= (gchar *)input_ptr;
but with Google tests actions but I don't manage to make it work ...
Finally I solved the issue by using Invoke(f).
So, instead of :
const gchar* nptr;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_gstring, g_ascii_strtoll(_,_,_)).WillOnce( DoAll(SaveArg<0>(&nptr), SetArgReferee<1>((char)*nptr), SetErrnoAndReturn(0,0)) );
I did this :
void ut_pointer_cpy(const gchar *nptr, gchar **endptr, guint base){
*endptr= (gchar *)nptr;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_gstring, g_ascii_strtoll(_,_,_))
.WillOnce( DoAll(Invoke(ut_pointer_cpy), SetErrnoAndReturn(0,0)) );
The function you call in Invoke
must have the same parameters as the one you mock, or use Unused
keywork instead (I didn't test this option).