I am using Abraham's https://twitteroauth.com/ package for sending twitter messages from Laravel App.
Also I scheduled messages with Laravel task scheduling. I also need to send media twitter message with this package. It works normally. But it does not work with laravel task schedule console command.
My twitter message sending code is like this:
$screenshot = $this->takeScreenShot();
$media = $this->twitter->upload('media/upload', array('media' => "uploads/$screenshot", 'media_type' => 'image/png'), true);
$parameters = [
'status' => $twitterMsg,
'media_ids' => implode(',', [$media->media_id_string])
$result = $this->twitter->post('statuses/update',
It throws this error:
filesize(): stat failed for uploads/screenshots_1620116807.png
at vendor/abraham/twitteroauth/src/TwitterOAuth.php:417
413▕ 'shared',
414▕ ];
415▕ $base = [
416▕ 'command' => 'INIT',
➜ 417▕ 'total_bytes' => filesize($parameters['media']),
418▕ ];
419▕ $allowed_parameters = array_intersect_key(
420▕ $parameters,
421▕ array_flip($allowed_keys),
+3 vendor frames
4 app/Services/TwitterService.php:219
How can I solve this error for console task command?
This maybe because of the relative path you provided as uploads/screenshots_1620116807.png
on media
. Try to pass to the absolute path of your media, e.g. via storage_path
or public_path
helper methods:
$media = $this->twitter->upload('media/upload', [
'media' => public_path("uploads/$screenshot"),
'media_type' => 'image/png',
], true);