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Question on memoization issue - BestSum Problem implementation in Python

Problem statement - Write a bestSum(targetSum, array_numbers) function that takes in TargetSum and an array of numbers as arguments and returns an array containing shortest combination of numbers that add up to exactly the target sum)

When I am solving this problem without memoization, I am getting the correct set of outputs. However, when I am trying to solve with memoization I am getting incorrect results.

The codes and outputs (with and without memoization) are below. Can't figure out what I am missing or doing wrong here on the 2nd part (i.e with memoization).

Without Memoization

def bestSum(m, bestSumlist):
    if m == 0:
        return []
    if m < 0:
        return None
    shortest_comb = None
    for i in bestSumlist:
        remainder = m - i
        remainder_combination = bestSum(remainder, bestSumlist)
        if remainder_combination != None:
            combination = remainder_combination
            if shortest_comb == None or len(shortest_comb) > len(combination):
                shortest_comb = combination
    return shortest_comb


print(bestSum(7, [5,3,4,7]))


print(bestSum(8, [2,3,5]))

[5, 3]

print(bestSum(8, [1,4,5]))

[4, 4]

print(bestSum(8, [2,3]))

[3, 3, 2]

print(bestSum(8, [2,3]))

[3, 3, 2]

print(bestSum(7, [2,4]))


With Memoization (this is where I am having issues)

def bestSum_memo(m, bestSumlist):
    if m in memo_dict:
        return memo_dict[m]
    if m == 0:
        return []
    if m < 0:
        return None
    shortest_comb = None
    for i in bestSumlist:
        remainder = m - i
        remainder_combination = bestSum_memo(remainder, bestSumlist)
        if remainder_combination != None:
            combination = remainder_combination
            if shortest_comb == None or len(shortest_comb) > len(combination):
                shortest_comb = combination        
    memo_dict[m] = shortest_comb   
    return shortest_comb 



print(bestSum_memo(7, [5,3,4,7]))

[7] (this is correct)


print(bestSum_memo(8, [2,3,5]))

[5, 3] (this is correct)


print(bestSum_memo(8, [1,4,5]))

[4, 1, 4] (this is wrong)


print(bestSum_memo(8, [2,3]))

[3, 3, 2, 2, 3] (this is wrong)


print(bestSum_memo(8, [2,3]))

[3, 3, 2, 2, 3] (this is wrong)


print(bestSum_memo(7, [2,4]))

None (this is correct)


  • Based on MisterMiyagi's comment, I was able to solve it.

    In this solution below, I am copying the list to a temp list and altering that one instead of mutating the original list and that takes care of the issue I was having earlier. Thank you!!

    Code -

    import copy
    def bestSum_memo(m, bestSumlist):
        if m in memo_dict:
            return memo_dict[m]
        if m == 0:
            return []
        if m < 0:
            return None
        shortest_comb = None
        for i in bestSumlist:
            remainder = m - i
            remainder_combination = bestSum_memo(remainder, bestSumlist)
            if remainder_combination != None:
                remainder_combination_copy = copy.deepcopy(remainder_combination)
                combination = remainder_combination_copy
                if shortest_comb == None or len(shortest_comb) > len(combination):
                    shortest_comb = combination        
        memo_dict[m] = shortest_comb   
        return shortest_comb