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Kotlin Date Error "Type mismatch: inferred type is Date? but Date was expected"

lateinit var endTime:String
lateinit var enDate:Date

val formatter= SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy, HH:mm:ss")

endTime=tarihBul()+", 00:00:00"

**enDate=formatter.parse(endTime)  -->213**

   private fun tarihBul():String {

        val tarihFormat= SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy")
        val tarih= Date()
        val simdiTarih=tarihFormat.format(tarih)

        return simdiTarih.toString()

w: F:\Dersler\Kotlin_uygulamalar\Namazvakitleri\app\src\main\java\com\erdemselvi\namazvakitleri\widget\VakitlerWidget.kt: (213, 16): Type mismatch: inferred type is Date? but Date was expected


  • SimpleDateFormat.parse is a java function, which can return a nullable Date Date? . As enDate is defined as Date and you are trying to assign to nullable Date, kotlin tries to avoid it and throws an error.

    You can either use the UNSAFE !! operator


    or handle null case explicitly

     enDate=formatter.parse(endTime)?.let{ YOUR LOGIC TO THROW ERROR OR DEFAULT VALUE}