I am using SvelteKit and, for SEO reasons, I would like to use full SSR and to ensure that all data is fetched and rendered server-side before being delivered to the browser. In other words, all calls to the back-end API should have completed before the initial page response is delivered.
However, it is unclear to me from the documentation how to achieve this. (I may have missed something.)
I have tried the following, but this just delivers a completely empty body:
let promise = fetch('https://swapi.dev/api/people/1/')
.then((response) => response.json());
{#await promise then character}
<h1>Your character</h1>
Name is {character.name}
Does anyone know how to block server-side render using SvelteKit until data has been fetched?
You need to export a load
function: https://kit.svelte.dev/docs#loading