I have created a Gatling project that contains many different data sets. The reason for this, I want to include randomness and uniqueness with every SOAP request I throw at my service. Example: One data set has id numbers and another data set has colors. I want to inject these values in my request that I send to my webservice.
When I start up gatling, it generates requests with random values (like expected) but then reuses the same id and color combination. If possible, I would like to send a different request everytime (for example) id: 001 and color: blue. Then send a request with id: 001 and color: red. Right now it just resends id: 001 and color: blue.
I have id.scala and color.scala files with hundreds of lines and a xml request file so combinations should be endless.
val id = jsonFile("data/id.json").circular
val color = jsonFile("data/color.json").circular
def updateIdWithColor() = {
.exec(http("Add Color")
val scn = scenario("Load Testing")
.forever() {
nothingFor(5 seconds),
rampUsers(userCount) during(rampUpUsersOverSeconds seconds)
).maxDuration(testDuration minutes)
// global.responseTime.max.lt(2000),
// global.successfulRequests.percent.gt(99.9),
Is there a way I can REFRESH id to color combination so I can send a different request every time? If I run for 15 minutes, it just sends a SOAP xml request with 001 -> blue for 15 minutes.
Please let me know if I can bring anything else. I am confident there is a method I can use (potentially) in the code blocks I provided. I am just not aware. Thanks in advance!
You have to move your feed
s inside your forever
val scn = scenario("Load Testing")
.forever() {