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Need to input value for argparse. but it is not working

i am trying to use python argparse in the following code. I want the user to enter the text as below. -x 8 -l 9 -b 20

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Sample coding with arguments')
parser.add_argument('-x', '--height', help='Height of the box')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--length', type=int, help='Length of the box')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--breadth', type=int, help='Breadth of the box')
args = parser.parse_args([input("enter text: ")])
print (args)

the user should only enter these data when the system ask to enter. the following code work if i enter a value for only 1 argument. But is not working if i use more than 1. With two arguments it is showing this result

enter text: -x 9 -l 7

Namespace(height=' 9 -l 7', length=None, breadth=None)

Both value was assigned to height.


  • When you run a python script with arguments from the command line, say: -x 9 -l 7

    The interpreter has a sys.argv of

    sys.argv == ["", "-x", "9", "-l", "7"]

    By default argparse is provided sys.argv[1:] or ["-x", "9", "-l", "7"]

    You provided ["-x 9 -l 7"]

    Instead you need to split the string:

    parser.parse_args(input("enter text: ").split())