I've been trying to replicate some basic Excel calculations in R but I can't find the right solution for this one.
I want to create a new column of a data.frame
but the values being calculated should be based on the next values of the same column, so it is kind of being calculated from down-up.
I am able to do it using values of the same column (previous ones) but doesn't work for the next ones.
First part of my approach works fine (when using next values of another column), but not in the same column.
In excel it is simple but can't make it work.
Also, I don't know if a for loop is the best option, I have to do it with 1 million rows data.frame
so it may be slow.
Thank you in advance.
p <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,8,9,10)
g <- c(4,4,3,4,5,6,6,6,8,0,0)
data <- data.frame(p,g)
a <- 2
My approach
data$f2<- 0
for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
data$f2[i] = data$g[i]*a+data$g[i+1]*a+data$g[i+2]*a+data$f2[i+1]*a+data$f2[i+2]*a
g f2
1 4 22
2 4 22
3 3 24
4 4 30
5 5 34
6 6 36
7 6 40
8 6 28
9 8 16
10 0 NA
11 0 NA
#Desired Correct Output
g f2
1 4 11232
2 4 11232
3 3 11232
4 4 4106
5 5 1498
6 6 540
7 6 192
8 6 60
9 8 16
base R
data$f2 <- 0
for ( i in rev(seq_len(nrow(data)-2))) {
data$f2[i] <- with(data, sum( na.omit( c( g[c(i + 0:2)], f2[c(i + 1:2)])) * a
# p g f2
#1: 1 4 83882
#2: 2 4 30698
#3: 3 3 11232
#4: 4 4 4106
#5: 5 5 1498
#6: 6 6 540
#7: 7 6 192
#8: 6 6 60
#9: 8 8 16
#10: 9 0 0
#11: 10 0 0