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SQL query to get users who have only single specified role

goal: I want to filter out users who have only a single specified role assigned.

expected result: should display user id with specified role id

actual result: I am getting user IDs who have more than a single specified role assigned.

error messages: NO error messages

What I have done: I have two table

first one is user_profile and other one is user_profile_role. I am joining these 2 tables to filter out the users who have role id as 10005. some users contains more than single role ids. some users only contain role id 10005.

I want to only list down the users who have role id as 10005. but they shouldnt contains non other roles ids.

below is my user_profile table

id enabled
2222 1
3333 1
4444 1
5555 1

below is my user_profile_role table

id role_id
2222 10005
2222 10004
3333 10005
4444 10005
5555 10004
5555 10005

Im using below SQL query to filter out above I mentioned. But it seems my sql query not outputing desired result.

select distinct,u.enabled,ur.role_id
from USER_PROFILE u right outer join USER_PROFILE_ROLE ur
where u.enabled=1 AND ur.role_id='10005';

when I run above query I am getting output as below ( which is not I want)

id enabled role_id
2222 1 10005
3333 1 10005
4444 1 10005
5555 1 10005

below is the output I want

id enabled role_id
3333 1 10005
4444 1 10005

If anyone can point out what I am missing in my sql query and point me a direction , I would be much appreciated.


  • You can do:

    select id, enabled
    from (
        sum(case when r.role_id = 10005 then 1 else 0 end) as cnt_searched,
        count(*) as cnt
      from user_profile u
      join user_profile_role r on =
      where u.enabled = 1
      group by, e.enabled
    ) x
    where cnt_searched = cnt