I am trying to use tuples inside a priority_queue and my tuples contain vectors. I want to be able to modify these vectors but when I delete items from a vector, it does not change the actual content. I think I am modifying the values instead of references but I am not very experienced with c++ and need some help with fixing this code:
I define my tuples like this:
using tuple_type = std::tuple<std::vector<uint64_t>, File*, size_t>;
auto comparator = [](tuple_type const &a, tuple_type const &b) {
return std::get<0>(a).front()> std::get<0>(b).front();
std::priority_queue<tuple_type, std::vector<tuple_type>, decltype(comparator)> pq{comparator};
and I access them like this:
auto elem = pq.top();
auto *file = std::get<1>(elem);
auto block_containing_smallest_element = std::get<0>(elem);
I erase the first element but in the next iteration, it is still there. I tried writing to tuple using std::get<0>(elem) = block_containing_smallest_element but it also did not work.
Thanks in advance.
I think I am modifying the values instead of references
That is the correct diagnosis of the problem.
As has been pointed out in a comment, the other issue is that you cannnot modify modify elements in a std::priority_queue
directly. You'll have to:
auto elem = pq.top();
auto *file = std::get<1>(elem);
auto& block_containing_smallest_element = std::get<0>(elem);