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How to get normal probability distribution from a simulation on car agains car?

I want to understand why I am not getting a probability distribution when I use a simulation from a random normal distribution:

df <- mtcars # data

df$sd <- sd(df$mpg) # standard deviation of the sample

f <- function(n1, s1, n2, s2){
  mean(rnorm(10000, n1, s1) < rnorm(10000, n2, s2)) # function for probability distribution

g <- Vectorize(f, c("n1", "s1", "n2", "s2")) 
res <- outer(df$mpg, df$sd, df$mpg, df$sd, FUN = g)
dimnames(res) <- list(row.names(df), row.names(df))
res <- data.frame(res)
res <- tibble::rownames_to_column(res, 'p1')

datalong_2 <- tidyr::gather(res, 'p2', 'value', 2:33) # output

I did this simulation but for some reason, I am not getting an actual probability distribution, my goal is to evaluate the probability of a car has less mpg than another car. But the sum of the probability does not add to one. I expect that this can be added to one or lower given that a tight might happens.

For example, the probability that Mazda Rx4 has a lower mpg than Mazda Rx4 wag is 0.5094 while the probability that Mazda Rx4 wag has a lower mpg than Mazda Rx4 is 0.5029, the sum of this probability is 1.0123. How can I change this code to get an actual probability distribution of one car has lower mpg than another car?


  • Unless you absolutely have to run simulations, you can use the pnorm() function to calculate the probabilities precisely.

    We assume that X~N(u1,s1) and Y~N(u2,s2) where s1 and s2 are variances.

    Also we know that P(X<Y) = P(X-Y<0), where X-Y ~ N(u1-u2,s1+s2). From this, we can calculate the probabilities precisely:

    df <- mtcars # data
    df$sd <- sd(df$mpg) # standard deviation of the sample
    f <- function(n1, n2){
      pnorm(0, mean = n1 - n2, sd = sqrt(2*df$sd^2))
    res <- outer(X = df$mpg, Y = df$mpg, FUN = f)
    dimnames(res) <- list(row.names(df), row.names(df))
    res <- data.frame(res)
    res <- tibble::rownames_to_column(res, 'p1')
    datalong_2 <- tidyr::gather(res, 'p2', 'value', 2:33) # output
    > datalong_2
                         p1                p2      value
    1             Mazda RX4         Mazda.RX4 0.50000000
    2         Mazda RX4 Wag         Mazda.RX4 0.50000000
    3            Datsun 710         Mazda.RX4 0.41637203
    4        Hornet 4 Drive         Mazda.RX4 0.48128464
    5     Hornet Sportabout         Mazda.RX4 0.60636049
    ..                   ..                ..         ..

    Also, I think your main problem was in the function outer(), which requires 2 inputs X and Y. It worked for me once I changed it.

    Edits 2 & 3:

    df1 <- mtcars; df1$rownames = rownames(df1)
    df2 <- mtcars; df2$rownames = rownames(df2)
    df2$mpg = df2$mpg + rnorm(nrow(df2),0,3)
    data = rbind(df1, df2)
    df = ddply(data,~rownames,summarise,mean=mean(mpg),sd=sd(mpg))
    df = rbind(df, c("car1",-1.02, 2.66))
    df = rbind(df, c("car2",0.13, 0.06))
    df$mean <- as.numeric(df$mean)
    df$sd <- as.numeric(df$sd)
    f <- function(x, y){
      n1 = df$mean[x]; n2 = df$mean[y]; sd1 = df$sd[x]; sd2 = df$sd[y]
      pnorm(0, mean = n1 - n2, sd = sqrt(sd1^2 + sd2^2))
    res <- outer(X = 1:nrow(df), Y = 1:nrow(df), f)
    dimnames(res) <- list(df$rownames, df$rownames)
    res <- data.frame(res)
    res <- tibble::rownames_to_column(res, 'p1')
    datalong_2 <- tidyr::gather(res, 'p2', 'value', -1) # output
    subset(datalong_2, p1 %in% c("car1","car2") & p2 %in% c("car1","car2"))
    > subset(datalong_2, p1 %in% c("car1","car2") & p2 %in% c("car1","car2"))
           p1   p2     value
    1121 car1 car1 0.5000000
    1122 car2 car1 0.3327904
    1155 car1 car2 0.6672096
    1156 car2 car2 0.5000000