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How to dissassemble a MOVEM instruction in 68k using the register list mask field?

Example Problem:

Refer the manual (pp. 232) for MOVEM instruction. Disassemble the following instruction.

4CDF 0F24

Binary: 0100 1100 1101 1111 0000 1111 0010 0100

10th bit is 1 so memory to register

6th bit is 1 so long transfer

Effective Address: 011 111 --> (An)+

Therefore, we can assume

MOVEM.L (Sp)+, _____

This is where I get stuck.

I'm not quite sure how to convert 0F24. The answer states that the registers being moved are A0/A1/A2/A3/D2/D5, but how do you get this answer?


  • You have 16 bits and each bit corresponds to one of the 16 registers D0-D7/A0-A7. The order of the bits depends on the address mode. Usually, and in your case:

    0000 1111 0010 0100
    ^... ...^ ^... ...^
    `-A7    | `-D7    `-D0

    In pre-decrement mode, the bitorder would be reversed.