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What are the REST calls to import a CSV file into Shopware 6?

We saw but couldn't find a detailed documentation of the APIs.

EDIT: I found https://my-shop-host.example/api/v2/_info/swagger.html which describes all available APIs and import-export-file endpoints, but it is not clearly described how to use them (and which ones to use).

I believe we need to call (extracted from the admin panel work flow)

  • /api/v2/_action/import-export/prepare

and then

  • /api/v2/_action/import-export/process

to trigger an import.

But how are the files uploaded?

Is there an easier way, for example in one call?


  • I start with the authentication

    curl ''\
      -H 'Accept: pplication/vnd.api+json'\
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
        "grant_type": "client_credentials",
        "client_id": "<my client ID from the integration>",
        "client_secret": "<my secret>"
      }'  | jq .access_token

    This returns and auth token which is valid for 10 minutes.

    I store it to the variable $B

    Next I upload the file and set the expiry date to 10 days in the future:

    curl '' \
      -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer $B"
      --form "file=@\"products.csv\"" --form "profileId=d4ec3999a33242a690ca5c213a7145cd" --form "expireDate=+10 days"    | jq

    This returns a field

    This field must be passed to the process call

    curl ''  \
     -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' \ 
     -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $B"  --data '{"logId":"1410eaa1ca434744a8c211b60f65a3c5","offset":0}'

    EDIT: Each chunk has to be triggered separately by using the last returned offset and pass it again to the process call.