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Most effective way to fold polynomial parse tree

I am working on a symbolic algebra system. I'm currently looking at how to carry out polynomial addition/multiplication from a binary parse tree. I will later consider this to be a general ring.

Parsing is not relevant here -- this intended to be the output of parsing. The parse tree that is formed. If something could be improved here, I'm certainly happy to learn about that too.

I 'feel' that this tree structure could be folded/crushed, yet I'm not too clear on how to go about it. I believe I can hack something together, but as I'm still learning Haskell, I wanted to learn what the more advanced users would do.

Below is relevant code background.

My two relevant data declarations are:

data Op = Add | Mul
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node Op [Tree a] [Tree a]

Here's one of my test examples:

-- 3*(x+2)*(x+(5*4))
test = Node Mul [
         Node Mul 
          [Leaf "3"] 
          [Node Add 
            [Leaf "x"] 
            [Leaf "2"]
         [Node Add 
           [Leaf "x"] 
           [Node Mul 
             [Leaf "5"] 
             [Leaf "4"] 

This is a typical recursive tree type, with a node holding an operation as well as lists of left and right trees. Computation proceeds by the below operations. Note: they are all string operations for now. I need them to be as general as possible (but will later add further structure, like multiplicative commutativity).

prod :: [Tree [a]] -> [Tree [a]] -> [Tree [a]]
prod ls rs = [Leaf (l ++ r) | (Leaf l) <- ls, (Leaf r) <- rs]

add :: [Tree [a]] -> [Tree [a]] -> [Tree [a]]
add l r = l ++ r

opOnLeaf :: Op -> [Tree [a]] -> [Tree [a]] -> [Tree [a]]
opOnLeaf op l r  
  | op == Add = add l r
  | op == Mul = prod l r

operate :: Tree [a] -> [Tree [a]]
operate (Node op [Node op2 l2 r2] [Node op3 l3 r3]) = operate (Node op (operate (Node op2 l2 r2)) (operate (Node op3 l3 r3)))
operate (Node op [Node op2 l2 r2] r) = operate (Node op (operate (Node op2 l2 r2)) r)
operate (Node op l [Node op2 l2 r2]) = operate (Node op l (operate (Node op2 l2 r2)))
operate (Node op l r) = opOnLeaf op l r

I think my variable names in operate are hideous, but I wanted to ensure it functioned first. Making it all hideous makes it stands out more too. It's practically yelling at me to find a better way.

Now, I'd like to use fold or foldMap, but I run into the issue that I have distinct monoids at each operation (namely (*) and (+). And that's just the beginning -- I will be adding several other operations. So I'd need something like a 'variable monoid', or perhaps some other map whose operation was to first acquire the monoid. I'm not sure.

The query: given this binary tree, and multiple operations at each node, how would one proceed to fold up the structure? Is there a better way to write this as an instance of Foldable, or some other structure? I also aim to add several other binary operations. Ideally, I'd like a structure that'd be indefinitely extensible. I assume once it's solved for 2, we could solve it effectively for n.

Tree drawing corresponding to test example


  • "Fold" has two related but distinct meanings in common parlance.

    1. Fold as in Foldable. Viewing the datatype as a container, Foldable gives you access to the container's elements while throwing away any information about the shape of the container itself. (This is also the sense in which lens's Fold uses the term.) Not every datatype is Foldable — only those which can be viewed as a container.
    2. "Fold" can also mean "catamorphism", which is a technique for writing higher-order functions which reduce a structure to a summary value. Every datatype has a corresponding catamorphism, but the signature of the catamorphism depends on the datatype.

    The two meanings of "fold" happen to coincide when the datatype you're talking about is [] (which partly explains the confusion over the two meanings), but in general they don't. Your Tree happens to be a suitable candidate for either type of fold, and from your question I can't quite tell which one you're after, so I'll show you how to do both.

    The easiest way to write an instance of Foldable is to turn on DeriveFoldable.

    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
    data Tree a = Leaf a | Node Op [Tree a] [Tree a]
      deriving (Foldable)

    But for the sake of understanding I'll write out the instance here:

    instance Foldable Tree where
        -- foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
        foldr f z (Leaf x) = f x z
        foldr f z (Node _ ls rs) = foldr foldTree z (ls ++ rs)
            where foldTree t z' = foldr f z' t

    The idea is to traverse the tree to the bottom, applying f to the values inside each Leaf. Couple of things to note about this code:

    • foldr is an overloaded function (it's a method of Foldable), and in the second clause I'm using it at two different types. The foldr in foldTree is a recursive call to Tree's definition of foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b. The foldr in the line above it is a call to the usual list foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b.
    • foldr discards information! In the Node case, you can see from the _ that the Op is dropped on the floor. We also smash ls and rs together into a single list, forgetting that they used to be in two lists.

    So Foldable is all about finding the items inside a container, while discarding any information about the container itself. To put it bluntly, Foldable is "toList-as-a-class".

    Foldable is a great fit for container types and other abstract data types, where you want to expose a collection-like interface while hiding the internal representation of the data structure. In your case, you mentioned that you wanted to apply an operation + or * depending on the Op inside the tree, but the Op is discarded by Foldable. So it seems like Foldable is not the right tool for what you're trying to do.

    If you want to reduce your datatype to a summary value without throwing away any information about the structure, you need a catamorphism.

    To derive the signature for a catamorphism, follow this recipe.

    1. cata takes a value of your datatype and returns a summary value b.
    2. Each constructor of your datatype corresponds to an argument for cata. Each of those arguments will be a function which returns a b.
    3. Each field of your datatypes' constructors corresponds to one of the corresponding function's arguments.
    4. Recursive mentions of the datatype itself become summary values b.

    Let's follow these steps for your Tree. First of all, cataTree takes a Tree and returns a summary value b.

    cataTree :: ??? -> Tree a -> b

    Looking at Tree's definition, we see two constructors. So cataTree will have two function arguments, one for Leaf and one for Node.

    cataTree :: ({- Leaf -} ??? -> b) -> ({- Node -} ??? -> b) -> Tree a -> b

    Looking at the Leaf constructor, we see one field. So the Leaf function has a single argument.

    cataTree :: (a -> b) -> ({- Node -} ??? -> b) -> Tree a -> b

    Now let's look at Node. Node has three arguments, but two of them are lists of Trees. We want to replace each of those Trees with its corresponding summary value. So the final signature for cataTree is

    cataTree :: (a -> b) -> (Op -> [b] -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b

    Implementing cataTree is a matter of following the types.

    cataTree leaf _ (Leaf x) = leaf x
    cataTree leaf node (Node op ls rs) =
        node op (fmap (cataTree leaf node) ls) (fmap (cataTree leaf node) rs)