I want to apply a linear gradient to my background image. on tailwind config file I wrote a custom rule like this:
theme: {
extend: {
backgroundImage: (theme) => ({
'hero-pattern': "url('../src/images/icon-bg.jpg')",
It works. but when I try to apply a linear gradient it didn't woork.
For applying linear-gradient, what I have tried is this:
theme: {
extend: {
backgroundImage: (theme) => ({
"linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgba('#7ed56f',0.8), rgba('#28b485',0.8)), url('../src/images/icon-bg.jpg')",
But it didn't work.
The problem is that you give hex color code within rgba
. That's why the color is not applied.
You have to give rgba color code instead of hex color code.
Note: Hex color code inside rgba is only supported by SCSS.