I've got a PUT request from clients that looks like this:
PUT /calendars/johndoe/home/132456762153245.ics HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8
I have a controller class setup with Attribute routing and a Method like so:
public async Task<ActionResult<string>> Put([FromRoute] string userName, [FromRoute] string calendarName, [FromBody] string icsFile)
I've tried different Route Attributes and a catch-all parameter but it does not work with the whole url path.
I get an error 415 response - media type unsupported
Any advice is appreciated.
just change your route attribute
public async Task<ActionResult<string>> Put( string userName, string calendarName, string icsFile)
and IMHO it is better to remove [HttpPut] and [Consumes("text/calendar")]