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How to access Gtk.Window in another class?

This is how the window is constructed:

namespace App {

    public class Window : Gtk.ApplicationWindow {
        private Granite.ModeSwitch stick_switch; 
        public Window (Gtk.Application app) {
            Object (
                application: app,
                icon_name: Constants.APP_ICON,
                resizable: false
// There is more code below this

I want to access this window in another class. How do I do it??

When I initialize it within the constructor of another class using this: var main_window = new App.Window ();, an error is displayed saying that it is missing arguments.

What and how do I need to provide the argument?


  • You have to pass an Gtk.Application to the construcor:

    var main_window = new App.Window(new Gtk.Application("", Gtk.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);

    "" is the application ID.

    Gtk.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE are some flags to specify the behavior of the application link, e.g. whether this application is a service or a launcher,....