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How to get list of songs from Spotipy and then save them to a txt file?

I have been trying to use create a list of an artist's top 10 songs on Spotify (using Spotipy) and then save these songs to a txt file in a list but I am at a dead end with how to do it. Sorry if it's super obvious!

Also I would love to then be able to put these songs into a playlist. I have worked out how to create a playlist, but not how to add specific songs to it, so any advice would be welcome!

My code is:

import spotipy
import spotipy.util as util
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth

sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(client_id="",

# shows tracks from a specific artist
choice = input("What artist's songs do you want some names of? ")

with open('songs.txt', 'r') as song_file:
    contents =

results =[choice], limit=10)
for idx, track in enumerate(results['tracks']['items']):
    print(idx, track['name'])

with open('songs.txt', 'w+') as song_file:

for song in contents:


  • I didn't test it but if you want to append new values to file then you don't have to read it and write it again. You may open it in append mode - open(..., "a") and then write() will add text at the end of file.

    And when you get data from server then you should run for-loop inside with open() and write new information as text with \n to put in separated lines

    results =[choice], limit=10)
    with open('songs.txt', 'a') as song_file: # open in `append mode`
        for idx, track in enumerate(results['tracks']['items']):  # run loop inside `with open`
            #print(idx, track['name'])
            song_file.write( f'{idx} {track['name']}\n' )   # write as string and add `\n` to put in separated lines