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Difference between recursive calls and normal calls

Let there be a function f();

void f(int n)

I have 2 major questions regarding this code:

  1. What is the total number of recursive calls?
  2. What is the total number of calls?

and also What is the time complexity of this code?

Basically, I want to understand difference between calls and recursive calls and whether total calls also include the recursive calls.


  • I'll concentrate on your terminology question

    Basically, I want to understand difference between calls and recursive calls and whether total calls also include the recursive calls.

    Then the rest is counting, which you can surely do yourself.

    A recursive call is a call that comes from the same function. So, e.g. your function f() contains two recursive calls, both being f(n-1).

    If someone calls f(4), then that is one non-recursive call (not coming from inside f()), and, via f(n-1) it causes a lot of recursive calls, where f() calls itself.


    • Total calls = calls, counts both non-recursive as well as recursive ones.
    • Recursive calls are those that come from inside f().