If I run the code in varying areas of my menu tree, I only get the one element, how would you firstly apply this logic to all sub components of this menu tree and secondly, illustrate the whole tree.
The code I have only shows 1 stage of each area applied
So the above would only show File or Save or Open, rather than File Open or File Save.
Should I be using a foreach with my toolstripmenuitems?
In the end I used a logic around the following syntax, then building up the string at the end
ToolStripMenuItem ThisMenuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender;
string WhatClicked = ThisMenuItem.ToString();
ToolStripMenuItem ThisMenuItemOwnerItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)(ThisMenuItem.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStripDropDown).OwnerItem;
Then you can obviously get deeper with
ToolStripMenuItem ThisOwnersOwnerItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)(ThisMenuItemOwnerItem.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStripDropDown).OwnerItem;
and so forth adding checks to avoid null exceptions.