I have created a custom field in the purchase order and another in account.invoice with the same name budget_id, when I create a purchase order and create a bill from this order I would like to copy the value of budget_id in the purchase order to the budget_id in the bill.
I have overridden the smart button method "action_view_invoice" in purchase.order and added my code but nothing happen. Are there other ways to do that?
Thanks in advance!
my code @api.multi def action_view_invoice(self):
action = self.env.ref('account.action_invoice_tree2')
result = action.read()[0]
result['context'] = {'type': 'in_invoice', 'default_purchase_id': self.id}
if not self.invoice_ids:
# Choose a default account journal in the same currency in case a new invoice is created
journal_domain = [
('type', '=', 'purchase'),
('company_id', '=', self.company_id.id),
('currency_id', '=', self.currency_id.id),
default_journal_id = self.env['account.journal'].search(journal_domain, limit=1)
if default_journal_id:
result['context']['default_journal_id'] = default_journal_id.id
# Use the same account journal than a previous invoice
result['context']['default_journal_id'] = self.invoice_ids[0].journal_id.id
# choose the view_mode accordingly
if len(self.invoice_ids) != 1:
result['domain'] = "[('id', 'in', " + str(self.invoice_ids.ids) + ")]"
elif len(self.invoice_ids) == 1:
res = self.env.ref('account.invoice_supplier_form', False)
result['views'] = [(res and res.id or False, 'form')]
result['res_id'] = self.invoice_ids.id
result['context']['default_origin'] = self.name
result['context']['default_reference'] = self.partner_ref
result['context']['default_budget_id'] = self.budget_id.id # my code here
return result
The account.invoice
object has the field purchase_id
which is a link with purchase.order
So in the account.invoice you can get any of the way(like in the vendor bill creation best approch) the purchase order budget_id
field value into account.invoice budget_id
Code link - Purchase link In Invoice