I setup a simple Geth (v1.10.2-stable-97d11b01) private network (genesis.json
config below). I compiled and deployed this simple test contract (solidity version: 0.8.4+commit.c7e474f2.Emscripten.clang):
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED;
pragma solidity >=0.8;
contract CoinA {
bytes32 public coinName = "FAKE";
mapping (address => uint) public balances;
function transfer(address receiver, uint amount) public {
require(balances[msg.sender] >= amount, "Not enough amount");
balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
balances[receiver] += amount;
function set(uint amount) public {
require(amount >= 0);
balances[msg.sender] = amount;
function get() view public returns (uint) {
return balances[msg.sender];
However, upon invoking the set
method, I received this error:
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Returned error: invalid opcode: SELFBALANCE
Please advice on how to fix this. Is it because the server doesn't have latest feature that support that opcode? Is there anyway I can compile the code without using that opcode?
I invoked it using Web3JS on Node if it's relevant:
async function setCoin() {
const contract = new w3.eth.Contract(abi, coinAddr);
const query = contract.methods.set(1000);
const tx: TransactionConfig = {
data: query.encodeABI(),
from: accPublicKey,
const gas = await w3.eth.estimateGas(tx);
console.log("Estimate Gas: " + gas);
tx.gas = gas;
const signedTx = await w3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, accPrivateKey);
const result = await w3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx.rawTransaction);
console.log("Done. Gas used: " + result.gasUsed);
"config": {
"chainId": 5777,
"homesteadBlock": 0,
"eip150Block": 0,
"eip155Block": 0,
"eip158Block": 0,
"byzantiumBlock": 0,
"constantinopleBlock": 0,
"petersburgBlock": 0,
"clique": {
"period": 15,
"epoch": 30000
"difficulty": "1",
"gasLimit": "10000000",
"extradata": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001ac7d6c5ecdd24067221a44ee839ba0b847058a30000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"alloc": {
"1ac7d6c5ecdd24067221a44ee839ba0b847058a3": { "balance": "300000000000000000000000" },
"485012dCc48219dbE955C39e1cee4b71F041d178": { "balance": "300000000000000000000000" },
"ea673022022Ea39a635C7336c6deA8BFa97778D9": { "balance": "300000000000000000000000" }
The selfbalance opcode was implemented in the Istanbul chain fork (source).
You need to allow the fork in your genesis.json
"config": {
"istanbulBlock": 0,