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How to show attribute family having at least one attribute in eloquent relationship?

I've three models:

  1. product.php
class Product extends Model
    protected $table = 'products';

    // many to many relationship with product and attribute.
    public function attributes()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Attribute::class);

  1. Attributefamily.php

            use HasFactory;
            protected $table = 'attributefamilies';
            protected $fillable = [
            public function scopeAsc($query)
                return $query->orderBy('order', 'asc');
            public function attributes()
                return $this->hasMany(Attribute::class, 'attributefamilies_id');

  1. Attribute.php
class Attribute extends Model
        protected $table = 'attributes';
        public function attribute_family()
            return $this->belongsTo(Attributefamily::class, 'attributefamilies_id');
        public function products()
            return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class);

My Product Controller to show product look like this:

class ProductController extends Controller
    public function show($slug)
        $product = Product::with(['product_category', 'brand', 'attributes'])
        ->where('slug', $slug)->firstOrFail();

        $attribute_families = Attributefamily::with('attributes')->get();

        return view('frontend.product', compact(

In my product.blade.php

@if ($product->attributes->isNotEmpty())
    <div class="tab-pane fade show active':'' id="two" 
    role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="two-tab">
        <div class="ipl-desc">
                  @foreach ($attribute_families as $family)
                        <td>{{ $family->name }}</td>
                        @foreach ($family->attributes as $attribute)
                            <td>{{ ($product->attributes->contains($attribute->id))?$attribute->name:'' 

My product page look like this: enter image description here

At the end, what I want is to show only those attribute family having at least one attribute like this:

color red, green, blue.
size xl, m, sm.
//trim ram, processor, display, etc.

Alternatively I've though of doing this by changing query like this:

class ProductController extends Controller
        public function show($slug)
            $product = Product::with(['product_category', 'brand', 'attributes' => function ($query) {
            ->where('slug', $slug)->firstOrFail();

            return view('frontend.product', compact(

And at the end can't process more than that.


  • I'm not sure whether I followed standard answer or not but for now i solved it like this: ProductController.php

            // for displaying product.
            $product = Product::with(['product_category', 'brand'])
                ->where('slug', $slug)
            // product with attribute family and attribute
            $products_with_afa = DB::table('products')
                ->join('attribute_product', '', '=', 
                ->join('attributes', '', '=', 'attribute_product.attribute_id')
                ->join('attributefamilies', '', '=', 
                    DB::raw('GROUP_CONCAT( as attr_names'),
                    DB::raw('GROUP_CONCAT(attributes.color_code) as attr_color_codes'),
                    ' as family_name'
                ->where('products.slug', $slug)

    In my product.blade.php

    @foreach ($products_with_afa as $product_with_afa)
        <td>{{ $product_with_afa->family_name }}</td>
        @if ($product_with_afa->family_name == 'color')
            @foreach ( explode( ",", $product_with_afa->attr_color_codes ) as $attr_name)
                <td style="background-color:{!! $attr_name !!}"></td>
            @foreach ( explode( ",", $product_with_afa->attr_names ) as $attr_name)
                <td>{{ $attr_name }}</td>

    My result look like this: enter image description here

    Those attribute families which a product does not use are not shown. Suggest if you have better idea.