I'm working on an installer for a project of mine and the installer will create a configuration file.
I have it working 99.99% fine, but in that file i want a check to ensure a hacking can't access it directly, and that code uses the $_SERVER super global, which in every run, gets parsed by php so it breaks the logic I'm trying to go for.
does anyone know I can get the superglobal to stay intact as it is without it parsing or should i rethink my logic and add it elsewhere?
for those who may want to see the code, here it is:
#Disable direct access.
if(!strcasecmp(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),basename(__FILE__)) || !defined('accessed')){
die('<string>No Direct access is allowed for this file.</string>');
Assuming you are using Apache (or any .htaccess compatible server), you just have to create a .htaccess
file in the folder holding your configuration file, containing the following:
<Files config.php>
deny from all
It will prevent any access to this file through an HTTP request.
See using .htaccess files for details.