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Laravel Query Builder with Join and If condition

how can you use the if else condition in the results of the query builder?

$data = DB::table('peminjaman')
                        ->select(' as id_peminjaman',
                                ' as pengarang_name'

i want to use some if conditioning like this, in real case there will be lots of other where, and the table used for where I have declared a join as above

            where('reads.pageread', '=',0);
            where('reads.pageread', '=',1);
            where('books.bigbook', '=',1);



  • Just copy paste your query and some touch up, here's the result. Just improve your query builder in case you want to make it more complex

    $data = DB::table('peminjaman')
             ' as id_peminjaman',
             ' as pengarang_name'
    ->join('reads', 'reads.id_book', '=', 'peminjaman.id_book')
    ->join('books', '', '=', 'reads.id_book')
    ->join('pengarang', '', '=', 'books.idpengarang')
    ->where('peminjaman.id_user', $user->id)
    ->when($statement, function($query, $statement){
          if($statement === 'notread'){
                return $query->where('reads.pageread', 0);
          } elseif($statement === 'read'){
                return $query->where('reads.pageread', 1);
          } elseif($statment=="bigbook"){
                return $query->where('books.bigbook', 1);
    ->orderBy($sort, $urut)