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Insert values from another table and update original table with returning values

I'm new to PostgreSQL (and even Stackoverflow).
Say, I have two tables Order and Delivery:


id     product      address           delivery_id
1      apple        mac street        (null)
3      coffee       java island       (null)
4      window       micro street      (null)


id     address
---------------- and are auto-incrementing serial columns.
The table Delivery is currently empty.

I would like to move Order.address to Delivery.address and its to Order.delivery_id to arrive at this state:


id     product      address           delivery_id
1      apple        mac street        1
5      coffee       java island       2
7      window       micro street      3


id     address
1      mac street
2      java island
3      micro street

I'll then remove Order.address.

I found a similar question for Oracle but failed to convert it to PostgreSQL:

I still think it should be possible to use a plain SQL statement with the RETURNING clause and a following INSERT in Postgres.

I tried this (as well as some variants):

WITH ids AS (
    INSERT INTO Delivery (address)
    SELECT address
    FROM Order
    RETURNING AS d_id, AS o_id
SET Delivery_id = d_id
FROM ids
WHERE = ids.o_id;

This latest attempt failed with:

ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "Delivery" LINE 1: ...address Order RETURNING

How to do this properly?


  • First of all, ORDER is a reserved word. Don't use it as identifier. Assuming orders as table nae instead.

    WITH ids AS (
       INSERT INTO delivery (address)
       SELECT DISTINCT address
       FROM   orders
       ORDER  BY address -- optional
       RETURNING *
    UPDATE orders o
    SET    delivery_id =
    FROM   ids i
    WHERE  o.address = i.address;

    You have to account for possible duplicates in order.address. SELECT DISTINCT produces unique addresses.

    In the outer UPDATE we can now join back on address because delivery.address is unique. You should probably keep it that way beyond this statement and add a UNIQUE constraint on the column.

    Effectively results in a one-to-many relationship between delivery and orders. One row in delivery can have many corresponding rows in orders. Consider to enforce that by adding a FOREIGN KEY constraint accordingly.

    This statement enjoys the benefit of starting out on an empty delivery table. If delivery wasn't empty, we'd have to work with an UPSERT instead of the INSERT. See:


    About the cause for the error message you got:

    Use legal, lower-case identifiers exclusively, if you can. See: