I have a huge dataset and created the clusters with agnes
as follows:
hc.res1 <- agnes(example, method = "complete")
plot(hc.res1, which.plots = 2, main = "Complete Linkage (agnes)")
I would like to separate the dataset into two clusters (one split). How can I do that with agnes
? So I would like to get a list which looks like the following
| Datarow | Cluster |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 3 | 1 |
You can use the cutree
function to cut the tree into a number of k clusters. As no sample data were given, let's demonstrate this with a built-in data set iris
that contains 3 groups:
example <- iris # sample data set from R
hc.res1 <- agnes(example, method = "complete")
plot(hc.res1, which.plots = 2, main = "Complete Linkage (agnes)")
# let's assume k=3 clusters, then cutree shows the groups
cutree(k=3, hc.res1)
The numbers returned by cutree
correspond to the row numbers of the original data set.