I'm testing Recoil and I need to manage a list of posts to display in the homepage.
My first idea was to make a big Atom with all the posts, but this seems a bit violent as we can edit posts directly on the homepage.
My second idea was to dynamically generate atoms with a prefix:
const onePost = (postId: string) => atom({
key: 'post_' + postId,
default: null,
effects_UNSTABLE: [localStorageEffect('@post_' + postId)],
Then I realized that I was pretty a rookie playing with fire and that I shall ask people who are knowledgeable about Recoil on StackOverflow...
You can just use an array:
const postIds = atom({
key: 'postIds',
default: [],
effects_UNSTABLE: [localStorageEffect('postIds')],
This way you manage the list of ids in one atom and those ids can refer to different atomFamily
s that hold the content data of the posts.