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can't create telegram bot using telegraf package

I'm trying to create a telegram bot using telegraf

I read its documentation and I just wanted to start coding using their own examples

this is the example provided in documentation:

const { Telegraf } = require('telegraf')

const bot = new Telegraf(process.env.BOT_TOKEN)
bot.start((ctx) => ctx.reply('Welcome')) => ctx.reply('Send me a sticker'))
bot.on('sticker', (ctx) => ctx.reply('👍'))
bot.hears('hi', (ctx) => ctx.reply('Hey there'))

// Enable graceful stop
process.once('SIGINT', () => bot.stop('SIGINT'))
process.once('SIGTERM', () => bot.stop('SIGTERM'))

when i try to run the code,i get the following error:

TypeError: Object.fromEntries is not a function error screenshot

PS: I have got my BOT_TOKEN from BotFather and placed it in the .env

thanks in advance


  • there are some issues with the new version of telegraf.

    i currently use version 3.38.0 and it works just fine.