How could I convert this numeric vector of dates into the date format that R can recognize?
date <- c(29101958L, 10121957L, 27091953L, 23021960L,
6031967L, 10011968L, 10101958L, 9101992)
I would like an output like:
'1958-10-29', '1957-12-10', '1953-09-27', '1960-02-23', '1967-03-06', '1968-01-10', '1958-10-10', '1992-10-09'
Then I would like to calculate the age by making the difference from 2016-12-31 with the dates of the vector.
I appreciate any help.
We can use dmy
from lubridate
newdate <- dmy(date)
#[1] "1958-10-29" "1957-12-10" "1953-09-27" "1960-02-23" "1967-03-06" "1968-01-10" "1958-10-10" "1992-10-09"
and get the difference between the new date in years
as.integer(difftime(as.Date('2016-12-31'), newdate, units = 'days')/365)
#[1] 58 59 63 56 49 49 58 24