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Sum Rows at Bottom of Pandas Dataframe

trying to sum rows for specific columns in pandas.


df =

name    age gender  sales   commissions
joe     25  m       100     10
jane    55  f       40      4


df =
name    age gender  sales   commissions
joe     25  m       100     10
jane    55  f       40      4
Total               140     14

I've tried this option but it's aggregating everything:

df.loc['Total'] = df.sum()


  • You can sum the columns of interest only:

    ## recreate your data
    df = pd.DataFrame({'name':['joe','jane'],'age':[25,55],'sales':[100,40],'commissions':[10,4]})
    df.loc['Total'] = df[['sales','commissions']].sum()


    >>> df
           name   age  sales  commissions
    0       joe  25.0  100.0         10.0
    1      jane  55.0   40.0          4.0
    Total   NaN   NaN  140.0         14.0

    If you don't want the NaN to appear, you can replace them with an empty string: df = df.fillna('')


    >>> df
           name   age  sales  commissions
    0       joe  25.0  100.0         10.0
    1      jane  55.0   40.0          4.0
    Total              140.0         14.0