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What happened with the FeatureGate attribute?

I was checking the official documentation from Microsoft and it states that the FeatureGate attribute can be used to control whether a whole controller class or a specific action is enabled. I've installed the Microsoft.Azure.AppConfiguration.AspNetCore 4.2.1 and even 4.3.0-preview but I can't find it:

using Microsoft.FeatureManagement.Mvc;//doesn't recognize .Mvc it recognizes up to Microsoft.FeatureManagement

[FeatureGate(MyFeatureFlags.FeatureA)]//doesn't recognize FeatureGate either


  • FeatureGateAttribute is an API for ASP.NET Core applications. It's not included in the base feature management package (Microsoft.FeatureManagement). You need to install the Microsoft.FeatureManagement.AspNetCore package.

    Instructions can be found at