This function reads a String and concatenates to a txt file
adicionaEmListaDeCategorias :: [Char] -> IO()
adicionaEmListaDeCategorias categoria = do
file <- openFile ("listagemCategorias.txt") ReadMode
categorias <- hGetContents file
let categoria1 = (read categorias :: [Char]) ++ categoria
hClose file
file2 <- openFile ("listagemCategorias.txt") WriteMode
hPutStr file2 (categoria)
hFlush file2
hClose file2
but I'm receiving this error message:
main.hs:190:41: error:
Unexpected do block in function application:
do file <- openFile ("listagemCategorias.txt") ReadMode
You could write it with parentheses
Or perhaps you meant to enable BlockArguments?
190 | adicionaEmListaDeCategorias categoria = do
| ^^...
as I said in the comment - the issue is that you had intended the first line with a tab
this one works:
adicionaEmListaDeCategorias :: [Char] -> IO()
adicionaEmListaDeCategorias categoria = do
file <- openFile "listagemCategorias.txt" ReadMode
categorias <- hGetContents file
let categoria1 = (read categorias :: [Char]) ++ categoria
hClose file
file2 <- openFile "listagemCategorias.txt" WriteMode
hPutStr file2 categoria
hFlush file2
hClose file2
but Haskell will give you an warning because you did not use categoria1
and I think you'll want this:
adicionaEmListaDeCategorias :: [Char] -> IO()
adicionaEmListaDeCategorias categoria = do
file <- openFile "listagemCategorias.txt" ReadMode
categorias <- hGetContents file
let categoria1 = (read categorias :: [Char]) ++ categoria
hClose file
file2 <- openFile "listagemCategorias.txt" WriteMode
hPutStr file2 categoria1
hFlush file2
hClose file2
(write the concatenated version)
also based on your problem description I think your version will not do what you expected (the read
will fail and you don't need it):
adicionaEmListaDeCategorias :: [Char] -> IO()
adicionaEmListaDeCategorias categoria = do
file <- openFile "listagemCategorias.txt" ReadMode
fileContent <- hGetContents file
hClose file
let newFileContent = fileContent ++ categoria
file2 <- openFile "listagemCategorias.txt" WriteMode
hPutStr file2 newFileContent
hFlush file2
hClose file2