I'm using fl_chart and I'm actually faced some problem. I need help to manipulate the fl_chart tooltip because of the problem below. When I touch a bar on the chart the showned tooltip has hidden part
The used code
touchTooltipData: BarTouchTooltipData(
tooltipBgColor: Colors.white,
tooltipBottomMargin: 1,
tooltipRoundedRadius: 3,
getTooltipItem: (group, groupIndex, rod, rodIndex) {
String weekDay;
switch (group.x.toInt()) {
case 0:
weekDay = (widget.isKWh)
? '${consoKwh(0)} KWh'
: '${montant(0) * 10000} FCFA';
case 1:
weekDay = (widget.isKWh)
? '${consoKwh(1)} KWh'
: '${montant(1) * 10000} FCFA';
return BarTooltipItem(
style: TextStyle(
color: LightColor.green1,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 12
You can set BarTouchTooltipData.fitInsideHorizontally = true
to force tooltip to fit inside the chart.