When I try to mock a Postgres insert with SQLMock and Gorm.io I receive an error that the query isn't expected. I tried to use regexp.QuoteMeta()
to wrap and escape my string, but it doesn't work. I added and removed args and result, but the error continues to appear
How can I set the expected query by SQLMock?
I give you the raw PostgresQuery and the UserModel
INSERT INTO "users" ("id","name","surname","birthdate","company","custom_claims","deleted") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7)' with args [{Name: Ordinal:1 Value:my_user_id} {Name: Ordinal:2 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:3 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:4 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:5 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:6 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:7 Value:<nil>}]
//Gorm model
type User struct {
ID string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
Name *string
Surname *string
Birthdate *time.Time
Company *string
CustomClaims *json.RawMessage
Deleted gorm.DeletedAt
func (repository Repository) CreateUser(user users.User) (*users.User, error) {
newUser := toRepositoryModel(user)
err := repository.db.Create(newUser).Error //db -> *gorm.DB
const expectedQuery = `INSERT INTO "users" ("id","name","surname","birthdate","company","custom_claims","deleted") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7)' with args [{Name: Ordinal:1 Value:my_user_id} {Name: Ordinal:2 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:3 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:4 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:5 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:6 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:7 Value:<nil>}]`
suite.mock.ExpectQuery(regexp.QuoteMeta(experctedQuery)) //HOW SHOULD BE MODIFIED?
user, err2 := postgres.CreateUser(users.User{
"call to ExecQuery 'INSERT INTO \"users\" (\"id\",\"name\",\"surname\",\"birthdate\",\"company\",\"custom_claims\",\"deleted\") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7)' with args [{Name: Ordinal:1 Value:my_user_id} {Name: Ordinal:2 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:3 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:4 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:5 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:6 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:7 Value:<nil>}], was not expected, next expectation is: ExpectedQuery => expecting Query, QueryContext or QueryRow which:\n - matches sql: 'INSERT INTO \"users\" \\(\"id\",\"name\",\"surname\",\"birthdate\",\"company\",\"custom_claims\",\"deleted\"\\) VALUES \\(\\$1,\\$2,\\$3,\\$4,\\$5,\\$6,\\$7\\)' with args \\[\\{Name: Ordinal:1 Value:my_user_id\\} \\{Name: Ordinal:2 Value:<nil>\\} \\{Name: Ordinal:3 Value:<nil>\\} \\{Name: Ordinal:4 Value:<nil>\\} \\{Name: Ordinal:5 Value:<nil>\\} \\{Name: Ordinal:6 Value:<nil>\\} \\{Name: Ordinal:7 Value:<nil>\\}\\]'\n - is without arguments",
call to ExecQuery 'INSERT INTO "users" ("id","name","surname","birthdate","company","custom_claims","deleted") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7)' with args [{Name: Ordinal:1 Value:my_user_id} {Name: Ordinal:2 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:3 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:4 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:5 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:6 Value:<nil>} {Name: Ordinal:7 Value:<nil>}], was not expected, next expectation is: ExpectedQuery => expecting Query, QueryContext or QueryRow which:
- matches sql: 'INSERT INTO "users" \("id","name","surname","birthdate","company","custom_claims","deleted"\) VALUES \(\$1,\$2,\$3,\$4,\$5,\$6,\$7\)' with args \[\{Name: Ordinal:1 Value:my_user_id\} \{Name: Ordinal:2 Value:<nil>\} \{Name: Ordinal:3 Value:<nil>\} \{Name: Ordinal:4 Value:<nil>\} \{Name: Ordinal:5 Value:<nil>\} \{Name: Ordinal:6 Value:<nil>\} \{Name: Ordinal:7 Value:<nil>\}\]'
- is without arguments
I've made it work.
suite.mock.ExpectExec(regexp.QuoteMeta(`INSERT INTO "users" ("id","name","surname","birthdate","company","custom_claims","deleted") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7)`)).WithArgs(ID, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil).WillReturnResult(sqlmock.NewResult(0, 1))
Postgres SELECT :
//Simulate returned row(s)
userMockRows := sqlmock.NewRows([]string{"id", "name", "surname", "birthdate", "company", "custom_claims", "deleted"}).AddRow(ID, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
//Expect SELECT
suite.mock.ExpectQuery(regexp.QuoteMeta(`SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE id = $1`)).WithArgs(ID).WillReturnRows(userMockRows)
Postgres UPDATE:
suite.mock.ExpectExec(regexp.QuoteMeta(`UPDATE "users" SET "name"=$1,"surname"=$2,"birthdate"=$3,"company"=$4,"custom_claims"=$5,"deleted"=$6 WHERE "id" = $7`)).WithArgs(newName, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, ID).WillReturnResult(sqlmock.NewResult(0, 1))